Straight from his incredible run at INSTANT PRESS COMICS comes Jerry "The King" Lawlers' favorite cartoonist....NINO
The following is a background from the man himself!
Name: Jose' R. Mesarina aka Nino
I was born in the rolling hills of Mississippi. As far back as I can remember, Grandma lived next door....OOOOOPPS! Wrong Bio!!
I was born in Chicago on April 23, 1971. I have been drawing since April 23, 1971.
I learned how to read by reading Spider-Man comic books when I was 4 years old. I also learned how to draw through comic books.
I was a student of the Art Instruction School Inc. I dropped out of the course because it was through the mail and I became disenchanted with the whole thing..
I created The Unbelievable Laudry Detergent Man as a sort of spoof on the Amazing Spider-Man.
I am the second son of five children. I am happily married and have one child, a boy. I am allergic to poison. I will continue to draw until my dying day or until the world runs out of pencils.
Thanks Nino. If any one wants to know more about Nino and The Unbelievable Laundry Detergent Man You can visit Instant Press Comics site On the History Section of this site or..well wait to you get to the end of the Gallery for a special surprise!!!!

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Ninzy-Babes (Daily strip more to come!
The Unbelievable Laundry Detergent Man(teaser to Issue #3)