Color Pieces |
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Heroes of The "B" Movies |
Legends of The Squared Circle |
Hal Roach's Our Gang/Little Rascals |
Serials |
Science Fiction |
Horror |
Misc |
Thadius Blade |
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The other work is from a strip I'm developing in regards to a neigborhood in Chicago called six-corners (those who live here know about it. It is based somewhat on adventures of me and my friends as children ala "Peanuts" meets "Calvin & Hobbes". More will come as soon as I can get access to a good scanner. Check out Rene's new preview book called Instant Press 2002. ![]() Here are some more "li'l six corners" courtesy of my friend Bill's scanner. enjoy!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here are some more pieces, some from Six Corners and other projects. Here are some art I did for my son Marc for a luckless character called...doc. The following is a story my father (WM Boucher), did with a college friend when he was at Yale back around 1940, So I hope you all enjoy..
Chapter 1. The Snub The three stalwart, healthy girls swung to the curb in front of Mary's house. They joyfully piled out of the bright shiny roadster and dashed madly for the large, soft porch chairs on the porch. While the girls were thus engaged, dear reader, I will pause to describe them. Jean was short, dark, and wore a perpetual smile. Agnes, known to the girls as Aggie the oldest of the three, was a red-headed fun lover who always provided that extra spark at their marshmallow roasts and hiking trips. The three Rover Girls were just now returned from New York (c.f. The Rover Girls in New York: or Manhattan at Midnight) where they had gone to relax after their startling experiences at Smugglers Cove (c.f. The Rover Girls at Smugglers Cove: or The Case of the Mah Jung Diamond). These three healthy American girls were now seated where we left them on the veranda of Mary's spacious colonial home. My, Mary, you look flushed, said Agnes with a twinkle appearing in her eyes (a devilish twinkle always entered her eye when she was about to practice some merriment). Oh no! Agnes, said Mary while a slow crimson flush spread over her white creamy face, and her flashing white teeth flashed. Isn't that Jack Townsend coming down the street? said Agnes, while Jean covered her face so that mar might not see her laughing. We must now take time out to describe Jack, who, dear reader, as you probably have already guessed, is to be out hero. Jack Townsend was tall and had wavy blonde hair. He was the picture of American youth, stalwart, honest, and Athletic. He was the captain of all the teams at school (c.f. Jack Townsend at Wilton High). Yes I do believe it is, said Mary, trying desperately to control herself, and oh! My God, he's passing didn't even look over, and with that the three burst into large silvery tears which fell gently upon the porch of Mary's spacious colonial home.
Chapter 2. At The Lake. The next day found the Rover Girls speeding towards their cabin on Smirch Lake. A warm August sun warmed them and flashing white teeth filled the air with smiles. The soon rounded the curve and lo! the beautiful blue waters of Smirch Lake lay sparkling before them. Oh, said Mary. Oh, said Agnes. Oh, said Jean. The girls soon arrived at their cabin and set busily about unpacking their duffle. At last everything was in order and Mary looked at Agnes, and Agnes looked at Jean, and Jean looked at Mary, then they all smiled flashing white smiles. Let's go dive and swim, said Agnes, who was always the leader of sports, and jean eagerly seconded the proposal. But suddenly the air became charged with tension, for a dark cloud settled over Mary's face and her flashing white teeth did not flash. No!, said Mary and horrified gasps were Gasped by Agnes and Jean. Why Mary!, they said, what's the matter?. But before this question could be answered, Mary burst into tears and fled to her room. Now I must pause for a moment, dear reader, to say that when girls get to a certain age peculiar changes take place and they become sensitive to some things. Now we return to the story. The remainder of this beautiful August day was spent by Agnes and Jean in swimming, baking biscuits, and other campfire activities, for the Rover Girls were of course members of the great organization (c.f. The Rover Girls at Cedarhurst: or Adventure with the campfire.) Now let us peek into Mary's room, dear reader, and delve into her soul, for Mary had a soul since she went to church every Sunday (c.f. Mary Rover at Stonemore; or Religion Comes to Mary). Mary apprehensively looked under the bed, and when satisfied that she was really alone, she deftly slipped her teeth out of her mouth and into a large green water glass which stood nearby, for at this point, dear reader, you have probably guessed that the source of Mary's embarrassment was the fact that her flashing white teeth were imitation. Suddenly Mary whirled, for she felt sinister eyes boring into her back and cold shivers ran up and down her spine. She rushed to the window in time to see a furtive dark figure silently slick away and melt into the dark far trees beyond. Tremblingly Mary locked the window and said and extra prayer before she dropped into a troubled sleep. Chapter 3.The Plot Thickens. The next day the Rover Girls arose at 6:00 to enjoy the splendor of the sunrise. They gloried in the beauties of nature, for the Rover Girls being such outdoor girls, as the reader had probably guessed by now, could not help but glory in the beauties of nature. After a steaming hot breakfast, which they enjoyed immensely because they were all good cooks, they began to plan out their day. Let's go for a canoe ride. Said Agnes. Yes, let's said Jean. Yes, said Mary, so they all gleefully rushed to the waterfront and in a flash they were off, the canoe speeding through the water like a live thing, for all were excellent canoeists since they had been instructed in the art by Jean's Uncle Filmer who was explorer in Borneo, (c.f. Canoeing for Young and Old, Filmer T. Gulch, Riverhead Press, 1928) As they soed through the water their flashing white teeth flashed in the morning sunlight. All of a sudden a huge wave almost capsized their frail canoe (c.f. The Rover Girls in the North Woods: or Construction and Craftsmanship in Canoes, by Laughing-Water Jones). Startled momentarily, the Rover Girls spun about to see the flashing white teeth of Jack Townsend flashing at them from his 34-foot power launch, which he had built in his own workshop, for Jack was quite skilled here also. Hello Agnes, he said over the roar of his 1,000 horse-power diesels. Hello Jean, he said. Hi, he said this latter to Mary. Hello Jack, said Agnes. Hello Jack, said Jean. Hi, said Mary. After a brief conversation Jack left with a promise to return later and have a thrilling hot-dog roast with the girls. As he sped across the lake he reflected deeply. Jack had an extremely high code of morals and deceit ranked first among the sins which he detested from bottom of his noble heart. He was very hunt that Mary had kept her secret from him, and that it was only by the merest chance that he had discovered it. We leave Jack now with these thoughts and return to the Rover Girls who were now back at the cottage. Chapter 4.The Miracle. The Rover Girls, tired after a strenuous day, but enjoyable day on the lake, retired about 7:30. Jean and Agnes slept soundly but Mary was unable to sleep for, when she entered her room, she found a note stuck in the wall with a long thin stiletto. The note read, Leave $150 in the old oak tree by midnight or your secret is no more. Signed, John Clutch, Dentist. Added to the anguish Mary suffered from this, was the stabbing plain in her gums which she blamed on the dental plate. At last the sun arose and the birds began to twitter and the grass began to grow and the cows began to low, and Mary, haggard and sleepworn, confronted her face in the mirror. Now she was to repeat the act which se hated, but which some unconscious force forced her to do every morning. She would face the mirror and gape at her empty red gums. She struggled not to do it but it was of no avail, and in a moment her mouth was open when, Oh! miracle of miracles, two rows of flashing white teeth flashed back at her in the early morning sunlight. Teeth, screamed Mary, teeth a third set!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and she danced around the room with joy, her young heart exalting in the fact that now Jack would like her again, she could go swimming, and oh! Life was so grand. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and her former dentist, John Cluntch, walked into the room. Ha ha!, secret will be revealed, and he snatched her teeth from her dresser where they were laying. But Mary smiled her Flashing white smile at him and he, astounded, staggered back and the swiftly slunk away. Chapter 5.The Reconciliation A week later the moon shone down on the porch of Mary's spacious colonial home. And oh! dear reader, what a happy sight was there, for Jack was holding hands with Mary who flashed her flashing white teeth at him and he flashed his flashing white teeth at her, for now, Jack, who had been informed of Mary's miracle when he had seen her eating marshmallows at a roast, knew that they were her third permanent set and that they were hers, all hers! And now dear reader, we leave the Rover Girls for the time with Mary's flashing white teeth flashing at Jack in the moonlight, but we'll be back soon, for the Rover Girls will soon appear in a new adventure entitled, The Rover Girls at the Front: or The Case of The Slanteyed Butler. The End
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